The Kings Walden Parish Council website has moved!
Please view for the new parish website, that includes information on the parish council, Breachwood Green Village Hall, and the community as a whole.
Kings Walden Parish Council has signed up to the Civility and Respect Pledge
By our council signing up to the civility and respect pledge we are demonstrating that our council is committed to treating councillors, clerks, employees, members of the public, representatives of partner organisations, and volunteers, with civility and respect in their role.

Welcome to two new Parish Councillors
Kings Walden Parish Council welcomes two new councillors who were voted in on the 21st November 2022.
Vickie Peck Cooper has lived in Breachwood Green with her daughter for 10 years and has become part of the community. With a background in finance and law Vickie has many skills that will be useful on the council.
Nicola Tait has lived in the parish since 2020, residing in Ley Green. Niki has a background in publishing and now runs an online health business. She also has much experience in event organisation which will be helfpul on the council.
Adoption of the Local Plan
The Council voted to adopt the North Hertfordshire Local Plan 2011 – 2031 at a meeting on November 8th 2022.
The North Hertfordshire Local Plan was submitted to the Planning Inspectorate for Examination in June 2017 and was the subject of an independent examination conducted by Simon Berkeley BA MA MRTPI. The Inspector’s Report was published on 8 September 2022, which confirmed that the Plan was sound, subject to a number of main modifications, and recommended its adoption. The recommended main modifications, along with additional minor modifications, now form part of the adopted North Hertfordshire Local Plan.
In accordance with Regulations 26 and 35 of the 2012 Regulations, the following documents have been made available and are available to view on our website:
- The North Hertfordshire Local Plan 2011-2031
- The Adoption Statement
- The Sustainability Appraisal Report
These documents are also available for inspection (free of charge) by appointment at the following location: Council Offices, Gernon Road, Letchworth Garden City, SG6 3JF
Any person aggrieved by the North Hertfordshire Local Plan 2011 – 2031 may make an application to the High Court under Section 113(3) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 on the grounds that:
- the document is not within the power (as defined in section 113(9) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004); or
- a procedural requirement has not been complied with.
Any such application must be made promptly and, in any event, not later than the end of the period of six weeks beginning with the day after the North Hertfordshire Local Plan was adopted (i.e. six weeks beginning on 9 November 2022).
For further information please contact the Strategic Planning Team on 01462 474000 or by email at:
Kings Walden Parish Council offers its condolences to the Royal Family on the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
Her duty, service and devotion to the people of the United Kingdom and the Common Wealth was unparalleled.
The Parish Council join with people around the world in mourning her loss.
An online book of condolences can be signed at
Mr Graziano’s Resignation
Residents may have seen Mr Graziano's resignation letter on social media. We are sad that he has decided he is unable to continue as a Councillor, and we would like to place on record our thanks to him for his contribution in his years on the parish council. The Parish Council formally decided at its May meeting to endorse LADACAN as a Rule 6 party at the Inquiry into Luton Airport expansion and we stand by that decision.

Co-Option of Parish Councillor
Kings Walden Parish Council would like to welcome Owen Connolly to the council. Owen lives in Breachwood Green with his family. He is a company owner and Construction Manager, with many skills he can bring to the parish council. Owen wants to help the parish with some of the bigger issues being faced by this community at the moment.
Death of Councillor David Bennett
Very sadly Kings Walden Parish Council have to announce the death of Councillor David Bennett. David had served on the Parish Council for many years and worked hard to represent Ley Green. We are very sorry for his loss and offer our condolences to his family and friends.
Co-Option of Parish Councillor
Kings Walden Parish Council would like to welcome Maria Cann to the council. Maria has lived in Kings Walden for many years. With a background in business and events management we are looking forward to her using her skills in her work with the Parish Council.
A message from Cllr David Barnard on the Proposed Luton Airport Expansion Consultation.
In December 2017 London Luton Airport Limited (a private limited company owned by Luton Borough Council, now rebranded as Luton Rising) published its ‘Vision for Sustainable Growth 2020-50’ for London Luton Airport, outlining the maximum capacity of the existing single runway could be up to 36-38 million passengers per annum (mppa). Whilst it remains Luton Rising’s aspiration to grow to 36-38mppa, the preferred option is to grow to 32mppa. The scale of the proposal is such that it is a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project for which consent will be sought through the Development Consent Order process, with the decision being made by Government. The current limit on throughput of the Airport is 18mppa. This proposal is entirely separate from the proposal by the Airport operator to grow to a throughput of 19mppa.
The proposal includes an extended airfield platform, a new terminal, additional taxiways and aprons, additional parking, various airside and landside facilities, changes to surface access, surface water management, landscaping and replacement open space – with growth being phased to 21.5mppa by 2027, 27mppa by 2039 and 32mppa by 2043.
The County Council is one of four ‘host authorities’ (the others being Central Bedfordshire, Luton and North Hertfordshire). A host authority is one within whose administrative area part of the development would lie.
In 2019 Luton Rising undertook a Statutory Consultation on its preferred scheme to which the County Council responded jointly with the other host authorities and in its own right.
There were in excess of 1,000 objections to the scheme. The outcome is a “smokescreen” new consultation
The scheme has changed in a variety of ways since the 2019 statutory consultation, to take account of feedback from that consultation, general scheme development and the consequences of the pandemic. The scale of the changes are such that Luton Rising has taken the decision to undertake a second Statutory Consultation between 8th February and 4th April 2022.
The scheme is still in development and so this consultation presents what makes up the scheme…. at this stage! (That means it is incomplete and premature!) The scheme will be finalised in the period up to submission, taking into account the feedback from this consultation, amongst other things.
Submission is expected later this year (probably more towards the end) and the process should generate a decision in 2024.
The consultation website can be found here
BEWARE Luton’s questionnaires are, traditionally, cleverly weighted to imply that whatever answer you give, will imply that you are in favour of development! Simply write your views and objections.
You have a right to a peaceful existence, a good night’s sleep, lanes not gridlocked by a massive increase in traffic, and a healthy life without airborne and ground pollution. Don’t miss your opportunity to give your views!
As well as all the consultation material the website will have a virtual exhibition. There will be considerable press coverage, widespread leaflet drops/posters, social media campaign, information provided direct to parish and town councils, and so on. There will be consultation events taking place at the following:
Thursday 10 March 15:30-20:30
Hitchin Town Hall, Brand Street, Hitchin SG5 1HX
- Tring
Wednesday 16 March 14:00-19:00
Victoria Hall, Akeman Street, Tring HP23 6AA
- Whitwell
Saturday 19 March 10:30-15:00
Whitwell New Fellowship Hall, Bendish Lane, Whitwell SG4 8HT
Monday 21 March 15:00-20:00
Jubilee Centre, Catherine Street, St Albans AL3 5BU
- Luton
Saturday 26 March 10:30-15:00
Wigmore Church and Community Centre, Crawley Green Road, Luton LU2 9TE
Paper copies of the documentation material will be available at Dunstable, Harpenden, Hitchin, Leighton Buzzard, Luton Central, Stevenage Central, Stopsley and Wendover Community libraries, North Hertfordshire District Council offices and County Hall.
Email Database
Kings Walden Parish Council are setting up an email database to keep the residents of the parish informed of local information: planning applications, road closures, Luton Airport etc. If you would like to be added then simply confirm that you are happy to receive emails from Kings Walden Parish Council by following the link below and completing the form. Alternatively email the clerk at giving permission to be added to the database.
Your details will not be shared with any outside organisation, and it will not be used for any sales or marketing.
You can opt out from these emails at any time in the future, by using the unsubscribe button on the emails, or by emailing the clerk at
The Breachwood Owl |
The council has commissioned local artist Dave Flemons to carve the Breachwood Owl on the stump of an old maple tree in front of the Village Hall in Chapel Lane.
About The Parish
Kings Walden Parish Council serves the villages of Breachwood Green, Kings Walden and Ley Green and the hamlets of Darley Hall, Lawrence End, Diamond End, Wandon Green and Austage End in Hertfordshire.
The parish council is the lowest level of local government and comprises eight elected councillors and the clerk. The parish council is not connected with the church which has a separate website – see
Please contact us if you have questions concerning the work of the parish council, if you have any concerns that you feel the council should be aware of or where it can help or support you.
You can use the navigation menu to find your way around the site.